The situation with outlook got much worse in our overnight runs. We transferred 7K subscriber emails to relays ending in and saw the following feedback in our logs:
MaxConnections: 83, Connection: 1386, RateLimited: 6392 where the following regexp is used in our log post-processor: MaxConnection -- "^.*: to=<.*>.* said: 451 4.7.652 The mail server .* has exceeded the maximum number of connections.*$" Connection -- "^.*: lost connection with.* while sending RCPT TO.*$" (and the like) RateLimited -- "^.*The mail server .* has been temporarily rate limited due to IP reputation.*$" We made three changes to our configuration yesterday: (1) smtpd_tls_security_level = none & smtp_tls_security_level = none in as we do not need TLS and do not have it configured. We are now seeing "conn_use=" in our logs for the first time. (2) outlook unix - - n - 6 smtp -o syslog_name=outlook -o smtp_connection_cache_on_demand=no (3) we increased our email arrival rate from 500 to 1000 over the past two days. this is likely a primary factor. I looked for domains that *are not* using the outlook: transport but are using the relay servers. There are 383 such domains -- the vast majority are one email address per domain. These domains are competing for the limited number of connections and they are not being controlled by the outlook: transport process limit in Adding 383 domains to outlook: in transport.regexp seems a bit extreme and would be impossible to maintain. How can we control the number of connections made on behalf of this set of domains to the relay servers? My solution, without additional input, is to reduce our email arrival rate from 1000 to 500 emails per minute. I will also reduce the outlook: processes to 2 in and "outlook_destination_concurrency_limit = 2" in in hopes this will minimize the feedback log messages we are seeing from outlook relay servers. This "solution" is Very constraining. The relay servers can transfer 10,000 emails per minute without a single feedback message in the logs. This "solution" is limiting the delivery rate of ALL domains at the expense of the connection limitations. I hope there is a better solution! Thanks, Greg