On 19/06/20 8:28 pm, @lbutlr wrote:
On 19 Jun 2020, at 02:18, Nick Tait <n...@tait.net.nz> wrote:
1. My server was using the default MTU of 1500 bytes.

2. My connection to my ISP uses PPPoE, which adds an 8-byte header onto all 
packets travelling between my home to my ISP, effectively reducing the maximum 
packet size from 1500 bytes down to 1492 bytes. They did have MSS clamping set 
up, but it turned out that it wasn't working for incoming TCP connections (i.e. 
from the Internet to me).
This would be likely to affect ALL incoming mail, not just mail from BT, 
wouldn’t it?

(I thought of this, but discarded it because the OP reported only problems with 

The first 'too big' packet that the SMTP client transmits will get as far as the ISP, and (because it has the 'DF' flag set in the IP header) the ISP will discard it and send an ICMP 'Destination Unreachable' packet back to the sender. If the sender receives the ICMP packet, they will reduce their packet size (MSS) accordingly, and then retransmit the smaller packet which will get through. The reduced packet size will also be used for all subsequent transmissions from the sender on the same TCP connection.

The problem I described only happens if the ICMP 'Destination Unreachable' packet gets blocked and doesn't make it back to the SMTP client.


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