On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 04:25:40PM +0200, wilfried.es...@essignetz.de wrote:

> Did you check your certificate?

That's clearly not the issue.  Random guesses are not helpful.

> > Final-Recipient: RFC822; <a...@xxxxxxx.uk>
> > Action: failed
> > Status: 4.4.7

The message expired after multiple retries failed to deliver it.

> > Remote-MTA: dns; xxxxxxx.uk
> > Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 250 2.1.5 Ok

This is only an error if it is a response to initial "DATA" command, for
which the expected response is "354 ...".  Which somewhat suggests a

> > 2020-06-09T12:04:01+01:00 <myserver> postfix/smtpd[7356]: Anonymous TLS 
> > connection established from mailomta12-sa.btinternet.com[]: 
> > TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
> > 2020-06-09T12:04:01+01:00 <myserver> postfix/smtpd[7356]: A33018C5A8C: 
> > client=mailomta12-sa.btinternet.com[]

After STARTTLS, the client sent "MAIL", "RCPT" and "DATA", with the
connection lost at that point.  Therefore, no handshake issues can
be ruled out.

> > 2020-06-09T12:09:01+01:00 <myserver> postfix/smtpd[7356]: timeout after 
> > DATA (0 bytes) from mailomta12-sa.btinternet.com[]

The connection timed out no data was received for 5 minutes (default

> > 2020-06-09T12:09:02+01:00 <myserver> postfix/smtpd[7356]: disconnect 
> > from mailomta12-sa.btinternet.com[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 
> > mail=1 rcpt=1 data=0/1 commands=5/6

See above.

> > Can anyone suggest what the problem is here please?

    $ posttls-finger sharproad.uk
    posttls-finger: Connected to sharproad.uk[]:25
    posttls-finger: < 220 sharproad.uk ESMTP Postfix
    posttls-finger: > EHLO amnesiac.example
    posttls-finger: < 250-sharproad.uk
    posttls-finger: < 250-PIPELINING
    posttls-finger: < 250-SIZE 10485760
    posttls-finger: < 250-ETRN
    posttls-finger: < 250-STARTTLS
    posttls-finger: < 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
    posttls-finger: < 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN
    posttls-finger: < 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
    posttls-finger: < 250-8BITMIME
    posttls-finger: < 250 DSN
    posttls-finger: > STARTTLS
    posttls-finger: < 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
    posttls-finger: sharproad.uk[]:25: Matched subjectAltName: 
    posttls-finger: [...]
    posttls-finger: Untrusted TLS connection established to 
sharproad.uk[]:25: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 
(256/256 bits)
    posttls-finger: > EHLO amnesiac.example
    posttls-finger: < 250-sharproad.uk
    posttls-finger: < 250-PIPELINING
    posttls-finger: < 250-SIZE 10485760
    posttls-finger: < 250-ETRN
    posttls-finger: < 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
    posttls-finger: < 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN
    posttls-finger: < 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
    posttls-finger: < 250-8BITMIME
    posttls-finger: < 250 DSN
    posttls-finger: > QUIT
    posttls-finger: < 221 2.0.0 Bye


> > Is is a problem at my end, or a problem at btinternet.com?

To get more info, try "debug_peer_list =", and
wait for or solicit more email from BT.


P.S.  Added an explicit "Bcc:" to the OP, to record a delivery in my
      logs, assuming that's the right domain/server, ...

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