On 9/10/19 11:02 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
Quoting "Peter", who wrote on 2019-10-09 at 10:54 Uhr +1300:
Does ambassador.madduck.net match the EHLO banner as well?

Yes, of course. ;)

% swaks -q EHLO -s ambassador.madduck.net
=== Trying ambassador.madduck.net:25...
=== Connected to ambassador.madduck.net.
<-  220-ambassador.madduck.net ESMTP "welcome to the machine..."
<-  220 ambassador.madduck.net ESMTP "welcome to the machine..."
-> EHLO fishbowl.rw.madduck.net
<-  250-ambassador.madduck.net

Wrong test that's the smtpd banner. The EHLO banner is specified in the smtp_helo_name setting and is sent when postfix makes a client connection to another server, not when you make a connection to postfix.


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