Quoting "Allen Coates", who wrote on 2019-10-07 at 10:15 Uhr +0100:
Only one set of double-colons is allowed in an IPv6 address. It expands to an unspecified number of zeros; doing it twice results in ambiguity.

Quoting "Wietse Venema", who wrote on 2019-10-07 at 07:00 Uhr -0400:
The form "2001:db8:bad::cafe::" does not look kosher to me.

You guys are good!

2001:db8::/32 is the "example.org" of IPv6 addresses, and the address I posted is made up.

One of the actual addresses in question is 2001:a60:902f::bcae:fda6 which resolves to ambassador.madduck.net., which resolves to 2001:a60:902f::bcae:fda6. So I think I can tick off the "fcrdns" requirement.

I really appreciate all your eyeballs. I really do!

@martinkrafft | https://riot.im/app/#/room/#madduck:madduck.net

"fools ignore complexity. pragmatics suffer it.
some can avoid it. geniuses remove it."
                                                     -- alan perlis

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