On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 11:12:17AM +0200,
   Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> I recommend using real, existent address and check its content once
> upon a time. You don't want to get blocked (see points 2. and 4.)

2017-10-20 14:43 GMT+02:00 /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk>:
Absolutely.  This is better than the DISCARD suggestion.  I find that
people who ask for "do not reply" addresses usually don't understand
what they are asking for, nor what they will get when they have it.

On 20.10.17 15:29, Poliman - Serwis wrote:
Do you have maybe other better options? I am open for all nice suggestions.

this one is the best option. Unless you want to face results below

> note that:
> 1. anyone doing address verification will block the address
> 2. systems that block senders who mail nonexistent addresses will block you
>    you won't find out you mail nonexistent addresses after mail leaves your
>    server, since you reject bounces to that addresses
> 3. anyone getting angry for sending mail from nonexistent address will
>    block the address manually
> 4. anyone getting angry for sending mail from nonexistent address may block
>    you manually.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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