
the more milters I use the more often I have to deal with certain hosts that do 
not need a milter processing. Currently I would have to develop exceptions for 
each milter to skip processing for some hosts.

It would be nice to have a feature as like this:

smtpd_milter_exceptions = ${permit_mynetworks}, ...

Or just milter_exceptions.

And as it is possible to define things like this:

milter_one = {
milter_two = {

smtpd_milters = ${milter_one}, ${milter_two}, ...

...it would be nice to also have this included:

milter_two = {
    milter_exceptions=${permit_mynetworks}, ...

It would improve speed and milter overhead. If Postfix does not connect to a 
milter, because a rule tells it to skip, the email can proceed faster in the 
system. And as a point of view in a milter:

Pseudocode for a classic milter:

xxfi_connect(...host...) {
    if host in permit_mynetworks or some other address/mask:
        set flag_to_skip_further_actions
xxfi_XYZ(...) {
    if flag_to_skip_further_actions is set:
        return CONTINUE

See what I mean?

Possible situation: Central SMTP-hub that gets connections from MX-ins and 
internal servers, ...

Thanks in advance

Erlenwiese 14, 36304 Alsfeld
T: +49 6631 78823400, F: +49 6631 78823409, M: +49 171 9905345
USt-IdNr.: DE225643613, https://www.roessner-network-solutions.com

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