I think the question is a simple one. Who has the 'problem' when 'they' do not receive 'your' email? 'Them' or 'you'?
For me I have decided that the admins should configure their servers correctly. If they do not then that is their problem not mine. It the receiving user want to receive my mail but does not because their ISP has broken forwarders then it is an issue for them to raise up with their ISP. For me the days of "dumbing down" to pass the lowest, broken implementation are over. Many users for example still use old browsers or old SSL ... It is their problem not mine. But I think its mainly a decision for each. In the mean time Postfix does allow to use and prioritize the tools to enforce what policy you want. That was my OP question anyway. I think this thread should may be over as it is now still interesting but off topic for this list.