On 2015-01-19 13:32, wie...@porcupine.org wrote:
[sendmail -f]
This solved the issue.
As you can see it was under your nose all the time but you were
too busy insulting us:
Postfix has hundreds of parameters and dozens of comand-line options.
Figuring which of these was in error was non-trivial, especially
with someone of your skill level. Suggestions had to be spoon-fed
one at a time, sometimes three times before you got it right. That
is polite language for someone who first sets the pipe daemon "G"
flag when I say "sendmail -G option", and who then on the second
attempt inserts that option between -f and sender.
My support may be free, but that doesn't mean I have to take abuse
from people like you who don't know what they are doing.
Well, despite our lack of skills, the solution came from us and not from
you ;)
Our project is volunteer based and self-funded, we work for free as well
but it doesn't mean that we can treat users like shit.
Additionally, we don't see where you felt abused, quite the opposite!
It is our plan to release an appliance / VM / script or docker container
which will allow users to easily create a service like ours, public or
We hope to get feedback from the various mailing lists (this one,
dovecot, ...) in order to improve the configuration and offer the best
setup possible.
So this community will hear from us again.
When this will happen, you can save your valuable time and ignore us,
win-win bro.
Thanks and regards,
RuggedInbox team