Am 03.01.2013 22:03, schrieb martijn.list:
> On 01/03/2013 09:48 PM, Michael Blessenohl wrote:
>> I'm sorry, I'll try not to use my smartphone again to answer mails from
>> this list.
>> I ment using a remote machine as client to connect to the postfix server
>> as opposed to connect to the machine itself. I don't know why it does
>> matter, but apparently it does. Using the hostname, IP or localhost
>> makes no difference at all. That's the same for me.
> Are you connecting through some kind of firewall which intercepts the SMTP 
> connection, for example a CISCO PIX with
> SMTP fixup enabled?

and if this is the reason it proves why it is a stupid
idea to use special chars one more time

ANY hop from the users MUA to the final destination
must handle sender / rcpt the same way, if ANY of the
involved servers / appliances treats it as invalid
you have lost the game

ignore these facts and still use special cars means mail-roulette
your users will not be thankful if you point to RFCs which states
you are right if it does not work in their real life

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