Michael Blessenohl:
> I'm sorry, I'll try not to use my smartphone again to answer mails from 
> this list.
> I ment using a remote machine as client to connect to the postfix server 
> as opposed to connect to the machine itself. I don't know why it does 
> matter, but apparently it does. Using the hostname, IP or localhost 
> makes no difference at all. That's the same for me.

You may want to look into the following parameter.

allow_untrusted_routing (default: no)
   Forward  mail  with sender-specified routing (user[@%!]remote[@%!]site)
   from untrusted clients to destinations matching $relay_domains.

   By default, this feature is turned off.  This closes a nasty
   open relay loophole  where  a  backup  MX host can be tricked
   into forwarding junk mail to a primary MX host which then spams
   it out to the world.

Postfix flags an address with @ in the local-part as an address
with sender-specified routing, regardless of whether it is quoted.

Postfix will not relay such an address unless the above safety
feature is turned off.


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