Thanks Stan and Pavel for your responses.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Stan Hoeppner <>wrote:

> On 6/12/2012 1:54 AM, santosh malavade wrote:
> > I am in the process of installing mailgateway server.
> > Which option of installation should I use ?  Installing from source code
> or
> > precompiled packages.
> First, what message load are you designing this gateway to handle?  One
> msg/sec?  Ten msgs/sec?  How many downstream mailboxes?  Do you plan to
> use a local address table, remote LDAP, RAV?

This server will be accepting messages for nine domains.  During peak hours
25msg/sec.  5000 Users.   Yes, relay recipient maps will point to local
hash file.   The internal servers will use LDAP for getting the mailbox
location.  I did not understand what is RAV means.  Pls. elaborate.

> > The red hat currently provides package
> > postfix-2.6.6-2.2.el6_1:2.x86_64<
> >
> In your case I'd recommend sticking with the RHEL Postfix package unless
> there is a specific feature you know you need that's only available in a
> later release.
> > OS :  RHEL 6
> > RAM : 8 GB

It is always mentioned to move to the latest version of the software,
considering the features the latest release provides.    I wanted to
understand, when the current stable release of POSTFIX will be provided by
RHEL as package.

> 8GB RAM is overkill for an smtp gateway.  1GB is usually more than
> sufficient.  More important is disk IOPS capability.

I was considering 4GB.  However, this is what is given to me. :-)     We
may consider awstat on the same machine.
Disk IOPS - need to understand this.  I will spend some time on it.

> > Hard Disk : 500 GB
> And it appears you have a 7.2k RPM single disk.   This should be
> sufficient if your message rate is ~30/sec or less.  And 500GB is far
> more than sufficient for your spool.  10GB of spool space is usually far
> more than sufficient for a light duty gateway.  I'd recommend adding
> another one and mirror the two for redundancy.
are we saying /var  should be 10 GB and RAID configuration.

> > CPU : Intel Xenon 2.4 GHz
> This should be fine.  An smtp spool is disk bound, not CPU bound.  In
> the absence of horribly misconfigured content filtering software this
> CPU should be able to handle hundreds of msgs/sec without breaking a sweat.

we will not be using content filtering

> > How do I go about partitioning ?  Will there be any benefits of having
> > Logical Partitions ?  Will it have impact on the performance ?
> Are you referring to LVM?  It will gain you nothing on an SMTP gateway
> and simply increase complexity needlessly.  The RHEL default partition
> scheme should be fine, unless it gives you less than 20GB for /var.
I have recently come across a vendor who was insisting non LVM based
configuration siting performance reasons.   Hence, I thought checking it
with the list.  I personally feel the LVM provides the flexibility of

Is there any detailed documentation ?



> --
> Stan

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