On 6/12/2012 1:54 AM, santosh malavade wrote: > I am in the process of installing mailgateway server. > Which option of installation should I use ? Installing from source code or > precompiled packages.
First, what message load are you designing this gateway to handle? One msg/sec? Ten msgs/sec? How many downstream mailboxes? Do you plan to use a local address table, remote LDAP, RAV? > The red hat currently provides package > postfix-2.6.6-2.2.el6_1:2.x86_64<https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/software/packages/details/Overview.do?pid=633415> In your case I'd recommend sticking with the RHEL Postfix package unless there is a specific feature you know you need that's only available in a later release. > OS : RHEL 6 > RAM : 8 GB 8GB RAM is overkill for an smtp gateway. 1GB is usually more than sufficient. More important is disk IOPS capability. > Hard Disk : 500 GB And it appears you have a 7.2k RPM single disk. This should be sufficient if your message rate is ~30/sec or less. And 500GB is far more than sufficient for your spool. 10GB of spool space is usually far more than sufficient for a light duty gateway. I'd recommend adding another one and mirror the two for redundancy. > CPU : Intel Xenon 2.4 GHz This should be fine. An smtp spool is disk bound, not CPU bound. In the absence of horribly misconfigured content filtering software this CPU should be able to handle hundreds of msgs/sec without breaking a sweat. > How do I go about partitioning ? Will there be any benefits of having > Logical Partitions ? Will it have impact on the performance ? Are you referring to LVM? It will gain you nothing on an SMTP gateway and simply increase complexity needlessly. The RHEL default partition scheme should be fine, unless it gives you less than 20GB for /var. -- Stan