On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 01:29:23PM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote: > > you are sending to the MX > you are whitelisting the MX > wonderful, the MX is mistly not the outgoing server > you are receiving a spam-message > your user has a autoreply > with bad luck you are whitelisting the spamming server
So a imaginary bad luck scenario. It's funny I haven't encountered any in the two years I've been doing this _in the real world_. Also read my autoreply comment in other post. > use greylisting or do not > but it makes little sense to make AUTOMATIC whitelisting You do realize that the "whitelisting" should only apply to direct MTA rbl/greylisting/ptr/etc rules? If that's your _only_ defence, then yes I guess you should not use postpals. > if you think it makes sense for you do it > but realize that others have more practical expierience > over years which can not be displayed in a single log > snippet saying that it is a really bad idea Hopefully by now people realize that your "practical expierience" is questionable.