On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 08:08:58PM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> It sounds to me like you are saying that...
>   <lookup result> := <special action> |
>                    (<other action> [,])* [<special action>]


    <lookup result> := <special action> |
            (<other action> [,])* [<other action>]

    <special action> := REJECT [text] |
                        OK [text] |
                        4NN [text] |
                        5NN [text] |
                        DEFER_IF_REJECT [text] |
                        DEFER_IF_PERMIT [text] |
                        DISCARD [text] |
                        DUNNO [text] |
                        HOLD [text] |
                        WARN [text]
                        PREPEND headername: headervalue
                        all-numerical |
                        BCC user@domain |
                        FILTER transport:destination |
                        REDIRECT user@domain |
                        ... any other non-restriction actions that typically
                        ... also admit an optional text argument, but otherwise
                        ... a parameter.

    <other action> :=  <restriction>

    <restriction> := {{the various documented restriction types}}


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