Ronald F. Guilmette:
> In message <>, you wrote:
> >Ronald F. Guilmette:
> >> 
> >> In the access(5) man page, it is either explicitly stated or else
> >> easily inferred what XXX response value will be sent back to the
> >> SMTP client for each of the possible values listed in the ACCEPT
> >> ACTIONS and REJECT ACTIONS sections.
> >> 
> >> What XXX response values will be sent back to the SMTP client for
> >> each of the various possible lookup result values listed in the
> >> OTHER ACTIONS section?
> >
> >Each access map lookup returns
> >
> >One line starting with REJECT and containing no OTHER ACTIONS
> >
> >Or
> >
> >One line starting with PREPEND and containing no OTHER ACTIONS
> >
> >...
> >
> >Or 
> >
> >One line not starting with REJECT or PREPEND etc. containing
> >OTHER ACTIONS (note plural) such as permit_mynetworks,
> >reject_unknown_sender_domain and so on.
> Thank you Wietse.  Unfortunately, for me at least, what you just said
> still leaves me with many questions.
> If I have understood you correctly, you have said that for every kind/type
> of ACTION specification listed in access(5) _other_ than REJECT & PREPEND
> it is possible to combine that ACTION specification (and its asssociated
> parameters?) with additional ACTION specifications.

No, it is like this:

Each access map lookup returns

One line starting with the REJECT action and containing NO OTHER
ACTIONS.  Note that it says NO OTHER ACTIONS HERE, and I mean that.


One line starting with the PREPEND action and containing NO OTHER
ACTIONS.  Again, it says NO OTHER ACTIONS HERE, and I mean that.



One line NOT starting with REJECT or PREPEND etc., containing OTHER
ACTIONS (note plural) than REJECT or PREPEND etc.


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