On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 03:20:47PM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> |       OK
> |       all-numerical
> |
> |       4NN text
> |       5NN text
> |       REJECT optional text...

Yes, but with actions that are a list of restriction primitives, the
the result depends on the context and the restriction. The ones named
"reject_mumble" sometimes reject. The ones named "check_mumble" can
return OK, REJECT or DUNNO, the ones named "permit_mumble" sometimes
permit, ...

> >Neither WARN nor PREPEND are final verdicts, so they are both "DUNNO".
> >Rule processing continues with a side-effect.
> I think I've got it now.  Thanks Viktor.

Good luck.


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