On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 04:02 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> resolvconf has a long list of conflicts including ifupdown and bind8/9.
Uhm has it?

> Would using resolvconf
> break bind?
Unlikely,.. at least I'm using it together with bind9

>   Aptitude seems to suggest this.
Well the resolvconf package conflicts against some specific versions,
which were until then not made compatible with it.

>   Does one need to be extra careful
> if/when installing this package?
There's a readme included in the package which lists mist common
pitfals, but usually all of them should be fixed in current package

>   What kind of collateral damage does this
> pagkage cause, if any?
Well the worst thing is probably that your resolving doesn't work for
some time and you'll have to remove the package again...


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