I had a quite strange issue. About a week ago my bind9 broke down and I could not get it running again on the same machine. So moved it to another machine and changed the /etc/resolv.conf of my machines to try both IP. Apparently everything worked fine.

Today I was puzzled that the corresponding bug-report to the Debian list was somehow missing. I resent it watching the postfix logs and found that potfix was missing the MX entry of my relay host and refused to send. Since the host itself actually does not have a MX entry, I was sidetracked assuming postfix was not smart enough to strip the host name from the domain. During this trouble shooting I had postfix reload its configuration a couple of times. After setting the name in [] postfix reported that the A entry was missing, which definitely was wrong.

I restarted postfix and voilá it continued working like it did all the years before. Now I know that it is smart enough to strip the relay host name from the domain to lookup MX. ;)

Apparently postfix missed the switching of nameservers and did not learn of the new DNS until restart. Is this a bug or a feature?

Postfix Version: 2.5.5 (Current Debian stable)

- lars.

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