----- Original Message ---- > From: LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> > To: postfix-users@postfix.org > Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 3:39:05 PM > Subject: Re: Local Mails not working > > On 10-Dec-2009, at 23:36, Alexander wrote: > > Mr Rob0, > > I really take exception to your insulting language. > > There was no insulting language. Someone who took time to HELP YOU was > pointing > out that YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. You can either learn, or you can get your > panties in a twist in which case NO ONE will help you. > > > Forget about helping me. I will find out the Solution myself. > > Good luck with that. > > -- > Bowling scores are way up, minigolf scores are way down, and we > have more excellent waterslides than any other planet we > communicate with
Actually the tone in his email was very negative, condescending, and not very constructive. It contained an overtone of being hoiler then thou, and you are stupid I know it all approach. /dev/rob0, failed to address the user on a tech support level. The method and approach by which /dev/rob0 used would have gotten him fired in my place of work. I got this same level of abuse from the Apache list when I asked my question about disabling IPv6 in my apache build. The likelihood of me asking for help on that list is very slim. I expect a person in a position to provide technical support to come down to the level of the person asking for help, and not the other way around. All technical support people should know this, and not offer anymore then that. The overall tone in the email needs to be addressed, and the tone was very insulting. I side with Alexander here.