On Sun, Mar 09, 2025 at 06:37:38PM +0100, Andreas Kuhlen via Postfix-users 

> Since I use virtual mailboxes using MySQL, I would have to include the
> support.

Sure, include what you need.

> Would my customisation for the bash script be correct in this case?
> #! /bin/sh
>     PFIX=/opt/postfix
>     OSSL=/usr
>     OSSL_LDFLAGS="-lssl -lcrypto"
>     OSSL_CFLAGS=""
>     make -f Makefile.init dynamicmaps=yes shared=yes pie=yes 
> openssl_path=$OSSL/bin/openssl \
>         "CCARGS=$OSSL_CFLAGS "'-DNO_NIS -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/usr/include/sasl 
>         "AUXLIBS=$OSSL_LDFLAGS "'-lsasl2 -ldb' \
>         'AUXLIBS_CDB=-lcdb' \
>         'AUXLIBS_PCRE=-lpcre2-8' \
>         'AUXLIBS_LMDB=-llmdb' \
>         AUXLIBS_MYSQL='-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lmysqlclient -lz\
>         command_directory=$PFIX/sbin \
>         config_directory=$PFIX/etc \
>         daemon_directory=$PFIX/libexec \
>         data_directory=/var/lib/postfix \
>         mailq_path=$PFIX/sbin/mailq \
>         newaliases_path=$PFIX/sbin/newaliases \
>         queue_directory=/var/spool/postfix \
>         sendmail_path=$PFIX/sbin/sendmail \
>         shlib_directory=$PFIX/lib64/MAIL_VERSION \
>         html_directory=no \
>         manpage_directory=$PFIX/man \
>         readme_directory=no \
>         makefiles

I should perhaps mention that I'm on Fedora system, not Debian, and
Fedora uses "lib64" for libraries on 64-bit systems, but IIRC Debian
tends to use just "/lib".  If that's the case, you might instead go

    shlib_directory=$PFIX/lib64/MAIL_VERSION \

Also be aware that the above choice means you get a fresh directory with
shared objects for each upgrade, and may want to manually prune older
versions if installing directly to the runtime location via "make
upgrade".  If you're building a binary package, then upgrading the
package should remove obsoleted files.

> Since I would install postfix on a freshly installed server, the question is
> whether I should then install postfix under /opt/postfix or whether the
> default paths are also okay? If so, I could use the paths suggested by the
> installation script for the installation. Correct?

The risk is that a system update might overwrite these with the vendor's
package.  But if you're careful enough, and can configure the system to
blacklist the vendor package, the default paths may be fine.  Your call.

> Do I have to back up the existing sendmail before an initial installation as
> mentioned in the INSTALL document? In this manner:
>     # mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF
>     # mv /usr/bin/newaliases /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF
>     # mv /usr/bin/mailq /usr/bin/mailq.OFF
>     # chmod 755 /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF \
>     /usr/bin/mailq.OFF

On a virgin system there should not be an "existing sendmail", or at
most it is a symlink via "alternatives", which you'll override.

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