Dnia 30.07.2024 o godz. 16:19:01 John Thorvald Wodder II via Postfix-users 
> The "access" file currently contains REJECT lines for both
> "spamgateway.nil" (no leading period) and ".spamgateway.nil" (leading
> period), and I did the postmap-and-restart dance after updating it, but
> the e-mails are still coming through.  My understanding (see also Wietse's
> first response) is that adding "stupidspammers.example" won't accomplish
> anything, as that domain is only in the message headers and isn't the
> domain of the actual server the e-mails are coming from.

>From what I see in your config, your "access" file is referred to via
check_sender_access, so it will work if - and only if - the *envelope
sender* of the message is "someth...@spamgateway.nil" or
"someth...@subdomain.spamgateway.nil". Do you see that sender address in
your logs?

If it's only the *connecting client IP address* that resolves to
somehost.spamgateway.nil, and the sender's domain is different, then you
should use check_client_access, not check_sender_access.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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