Yeah I thought of including the config but that OP was long due to all
the logging so I didn't want to make it longer. I did say in my OP I
would provide anything if requested.
On 6/28/24 21:11, Peter via Postfix-users wrote:
On 29/06/24 05:59, Curtis J Blank via Postfix-users wrote:
Always in a good mood. It's a waste not to be. When I'm focused on
something I just state the facts as I understand them and sometimes
that doesn't come across well.
Yeah I know localhost can be either that's why I used in
the config and don't/didn't use localhost anywhere, as I later stated.
I errored in my OP by not making that clear and using the word
localhost. But to me localhost is, I don't even think about
::1 as far as localhost goes. I know I should. So that is why I can't
understand why ::1:10025 was being used to do the SA connection and I
still need to determine that why.
We went by what you said in your OP. You never did post your config.
It would help a great deal if you would post the output of:
postconf -nf; postconf -Mf
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