Joachim Lindenberg via Postfix-users:
> >How is this used to connect to an arbitrary destination on the Internet?
> This is probably nginx implementation specific, but one can configure a 
> stream proxy as follows:
> stream {
>     server {
>         listen proxy_protocol;
>         proxy_bind [$proxy_protocol_addr];
>         proxy_pass [$proxy_protocol_server_addr]:$proxy_protocol_server_port;
>         proxy_protocol off;
>     }
> }
> Which essentially takes any TCP6 local client address and connects
> to any server address, both part of the proxy protocol string/header,
> and both can be ":ffff:<ipv4>", which eliminates the need to create
> two listeners using different syntax. Obviously one doesn?t want
> the proxy to be available to the public, but is within
> my VPN only (which is IPv4 only).

Is there a technical spec of that protocol? Does it look in any way
like HaProxy protocol version 1 or 2? What are the source IP address
and port?

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