On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 05:14:26AM +0100, klondike wrote:

> When I first wrote began this thread I did it thinking that knowing this
> issue, could be helpful.

If your first post contains the word "bug" in the subject line, expect
to meet resistance. A bit of humility: ask a question, rather than assert
a problem, will typically lead to better results.

Also trying to insist that essentially pedantic nits are significant
issues is counter-productive. The less pressure is exerted to force
the issue, the more likely a fix is to be quietly adopted at some
convenient moment with no fuss. If you make a fuss, we conclude the
issue is really not worth the trouble, and may decide to never fix it,
because one has to draw the line somewhere, and here I is hard to justify
risking inadvertant breakage to fix a non-problem.

Yes, contributions are welcome, but not every conceivable "improvement"
is a meaningful contribution.

We take pride in Postfix being extremely robust, and do not take kindly
to intruders shouting "bug", because usually the intruder is wrong or
the issue is insignificant.

On the other hand, significant issues are resolved very rapidly, there
is no "bug database", bugs are not allowed to fester.


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