On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:53:18PM -0600, Larry Stone wrote:

> > This is not a bug, but it is admittedly an unecessary deviation from
> > SHOULD normative language in the RFC when the client is in flagrant
> > violation by sending garbage.
> At the risk of moving away from Postfix technical issues, RFC 2821 is poorly
> written. SHOULD, despite much misuse in commonly used English, is the past
> tense of SHALL. Something that SHALL be done is mandatory yet in common but
> incorrect use, SHOULD is often used to mean present tense MAY (as in you can
> do so but it is not mandatory). As a formal document, the RFC ought to say
> either SHALL (mandatory) or MAY (optional) with SHOULD, being in the past
> tense, completely incorrect in the context of that paragraph. Unfortunately,
> given the incorrect use of SHOULD, it is unclear to me what the RFC really
> means.
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