On 12/11/08 9:41 PM, Victor Duchovni at victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com

> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 12:59:41AM +0100, klondike wrote:
>> According to section 4.2.4 on the RFC 282, the SMTP server should return
>> 502 only when a command is recognised but not implemented, and 500 if it
>> isn't recognised.
> This is not a bug, but it is admittedly an unecessary deviation from
> SHOULD normative language in the RFC when the client is in flagrant
> violation by sending garbage.

At the risk of moving away from Postfix technical issues, RFC 2821 is poorly
written. SHOULD, despite much misuse in commonly used English, is the past
tense of SHALL. Something that SHALL be done is mandatory yet in common but
incorrect use, SHOULD is often used to mean present tense MAY (as in you can
do so but it is not mandatory). As a formal document, the RFC ought to say
either SHALL (mandatory) or MAY (optional) with SHOULD, being in the past
tense, completely incorrect in the context of that paragraph. Unfortunately,
given the incorrect use of SHOULD, it is unclear to me what the RFC really

Larry Stone

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