Joey wrote, at 10/17/2008 09:14 PM:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf Of j debert
>> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:26 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Finally blocking some spam
>> That's still too simple. You're simply counting connections again. How 
>> many of those connection attempts are hosts retrying (sending the same 
>> mail)? You do not have the data to tell you what is going on.
>> Get rid of your tainted IP and ensure that your domain is also not 
>> tainted. Once a domain or username is tainted, it seems to stay that 
>> way apparently forever.
> Hi Jorey,

No, that was J Debert. :)

> Any suggestions you have to help me reduce the load on the servers, and the 
> junk in the mailbox are welcome, and I can assure you I will try just about 
> anything as you can see by my blanketed IP method which for reference has 
> reduced spam by over 75%, and yes blocked a few legit users.

Analyze. You're right that stopping abusers at the firewall can help to
reduce load. But the you posted has everything but the kitchen
sink in it. It probably wouldn't hurt to trim it a bit, if there's
little return. For example, an RBL that doesn't block much and is slow
can add latency that will hurt overall performance. Some checks are more
expensive than others, and need to earn their keep.

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