Randy a écrit :
> mouss wrote:
>> Joey a écrit :
>>  [snip]
>>> You feel like we are doing you a disservice unintentionally because
>>> we may
>>> be blocking your IP, but in reality the other people in Poland who are
>>> exploiting the internet are to blame. :(

reread the last sentence.

>> If I trust my today logs, my postfix rejected 6 times more clients in
>> the US than in Poland. (a little more US/PL yesterday, 20 times more
>> US/PL the day before!). You said?
> Quantity != to quality. I know 99% of e-mail coming from Poland to our
> mail servers is spam. And this is not to say I don't receive spam from
> the US.

Unfortunately, my (mostly asian) hardware isn't very sensitive to the
poetry in US IP packets. so these consume the same cycles as other packets.

more seriously, if Joey wants to block Poland or Jupiter, it's his
choice, but if he says publicly that these places are full of miscreants
(compared to other places), then no.

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