Paul Cocker schrieb:

Definitely nothing in between, of that I'm certain.

Are there any tools which will give me more information
about attempts
to connect to a port on a remote host?
use tcpdump for that purpose

please try

$ telnet $IP_OF_SMTP_HOST 25

and show exactly, what you get

I ran windump in the background and did a telnet to the IP, however a
findstr on the output file contains no matches. If I do the same thing
using the server name the only matching output in the dump is when the
server performs a name lookup, after that there are no matching entries
by IP or name.

Am I doing something wrong?

I don't know windump, but given that it is a reasonable traffic sniffer, you should get some results when you try to telnet into your postfix server.

If not, your _client_ cannot reach the server for either a client or a problem "in between" (maybe a switch with port security?)

Do you have any virus/security software on the client side that maybe restricts traffic on port 25?

Can you for example do a

telnet 25

on the client?

And can you do the same from your postfix server (in order to find out if you have network connectivity on your server at all).

Anyhow, given the results you posted so far, this is certainly not a postfix problem.

Udo Rader, CTO

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