Paul Cocker a écrit :
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arek Czereszewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: 13 October 2008 13:09
>> To: Paul Cocker
>> Subject: Re: Postfix listening on 25, unable to telnet to 25 
>> - my first config
>> Paul Cocker wrote:
>>> All my telneting had been by IP address, the name wasn't in DNS yet.
>>> I've added it, but I get the same problems. As noted in my previous 
>>> post I've now found I can access the port from the postfix machine, 
>>> just not other machines.
>> Check jour iptables/pf/ipf/whatewer rules for connections 
>> from other host to this mail host.
>> If you use iptables:
>> iptables -L
>> if pf:
>> pfctl -sr
> Currently this server isn't using any connection protection beyond
> tcpwrappers.

why? postfix shouldn't be using tcpwrappers. postfix has all the
functionality in itself.

>> Also if you are use acl's on shithes/router also check them.
>> show access-list
> Both servers are connected to the same switch, it has no access lists.
since postfix seems to be listening on its ports, if you can't connect,
then something is preventing that. This may be a firewall (yes, even on
localhost) or any intermediary layer.

anyway, if you don't see postfix logs, then you didn't reach postfix,
and this is not a postfix issue. good luck.

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