On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 07:52:00 +0100 Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> * Rozhuk Ivan <rozhuk...@gmail.com> [20240218 01:58]: > > 1. devel/pkgconf: unconditionally prioritises base system libraries > > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=273961 > > Actors: <Charlie Li> vish...@freebsd.org and <Felix Palmen> > > zir...@freebsd.org > > Actually, the discussion in this PR (which was ridiculously long > because of one single person) tells the whole story. > > I guess for anyone completely unwilling to even *try* to understand > why their patches NOT fixing the actual root cause are ugly and > potentially harmful hacks, trying to "contribute" to ports while > stubbornly spamming lots of people with needless arguments and in the > end even insulting people is not a great strategy. I mean, there's > always the possibility to fork a project if you want. > Why are you again hung up in patches? It doesn’t matter to me by what means the ports will be fixed, which for the sake of this will have to donate - the main thing is that they work. Specifically, in this case, it was simply possible to roll back the version of the port and wait for corrections, but for some reason, no one did even such a simple action. Another simple temporary solution is a variable of the environment, an example that helped many was in a branch. The problem is that no one did anything, and only criticized any attempts to rectify the situation.