On Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:29:57 +0000
Graham Perrin <grahamper...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The problem is that no one did anything, and only criticized any
> > attempts to rectify the situation.  
> I was a member of the triage team when I wrote 
> <https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=273961#c59>. My
> then perception of things was quite different.
> Things _were_ done.

And it take 1 mounth after that. :(

> ----
> Defocusing from bug 273961 … amongst the many and varied resources at 
> and around <https://wiki.freebsd.org/Bugzilla>, this page might be
> most relevant:
> <https://wiki.freebsd.org/Bugzilla/DosAndDonts>
> — including the Golden Rule, the Wikipedia page for which exists in
> 48 languages.

Fix it ASAP using anything, no metter what or step a side - that is was my 

If some one come to me with patch to fix some issue - I will merge it,
even if it is terrable and ugly in case I have no idea how to make it better or
do not want (or have no time) to improve it.

No golden rule violation here. )

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