On 19/02/2024 07:42, Rozhuk Ivan wrote:
The problem is that no one did anything, and only criticized any attempts
to rectify the situation.
I was a member of the triage team when I wrote
<https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=273961#c59>. My then
perception of things was quite different.
Things _were_ done.
Defocusing from bug 273961 … amongst the many and varied resources at
and around <https://wiki.freebsd.org/Bugzilla>, this page might be most
— including the Golden Rule, the Wikipedia page for which exists in 48
From your opening post:
PPS: I hope the google translate did not spoil the translation very much.
Generally: people do, sometimes, use English that is correct but breaks
the Golden Rule. Where this breakage is cultural and wilful, things such
as Google Translate can not help any author :-)