On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:01 PM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> Saw a big advertisements in newspapers today for 50MBPS/50GB connection
> for around 2000/- pm by above ISP.
> Their website doesn't seem to have this plan though.
> I am actually looking for an ISP with reliable connection with no
> downtime. Not so much interested in such a high speed.
> Looking for feedback if someone has used this ISP.

This is one of the worst ISPs. Don't even think of going for it.(even
if they give you free of cost service)
They are technically useless. Do not understand very basics of
connectivity, ping responses, traceroutes etc.

I had a major issue with them about the connectivity on their
committed speeds and actual throughput. In daytime, ping to my website
was normal but in night time (my regular package), it was 4 times
slower. I had mail exchange with their support people that is easily
some 10-15 pages without any positive outcome from their side. This is
apart from many visits to their office.

Additionally, even after disconnection, they are not even bothered to
remove their cable and clean up the mess. And you get bonus harassment
of flooding your mobile with various SMS.


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