On Thursday 20 Mar 2008 10:52:55 ഓം wrote:
> I think you were the first on PLUG to advocate Mand????? and looks
> like leader has gone far ahead of army of soldiers...

I am no leader. I just posted my experiences then.  I liked KDE and then 
RedHat didn't have good enough KDE, so I might have advocated mandrake.. :)

> Good to hear about slackware and archLinux since that gives a chance
> to take a look at what else good is happening that Bladerunners
> {people on the edge} are using...

IMO, slackware is all for stability. Once you have every tool that you need, 
only security updates and at most one yearly update is all it takes. No more 
installing/testing tons of programs. There is just no time for that.

And same goes for archlinux. Though it has rolling updates, the branch is 
stable i.e. tested in a unstable/testing branch. One always has option to 
follow either of them. Personally I follow stable. It has almost latest and 
greatest but without any issues(most of the time of course).


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