On Thursday 20 Mar 2008 10:20:37 ഓം wrote:
> I had to clean install Mandriva 2008, since upgrade did not work
> well...  SO what do we say about most user friendly Man Drake :-?

Since you didn't quoted my mail, I don't know if you were replying to my reply 
but I assume you are.

Well, I abandoned mandrake like 5-6 years ago because of this precise problem, 
I think it was mandrake 9.2. Also I hated it when I could not install mysql 
because kdevelop depended upon it.

Since then I am a happy slackware user. Lately I am using archlinux for having 
a very good x86_64 support and rolling upgrades. (In which case, upgrade has 
to work, otherwise the installation is no good and one has to go back a long 
way where CD install was done).


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