On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 10:32 AM, श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर
> On Thursday 20 Mar 2008 10:20:37 ഓം wrote:
>  > I had to clean install Mandriva 2008, since upgrade did not work
>  > well...  SO what do we say about most user friendly Man Drake :-?
>  Since you didn't quoted my mail, I don't know if you were replying to my 
> reply
>  but I assume you are.
>  Well, I abandoned mandrake like 5-6 years ago because of this precise 
> problem,
>  I think it was mandrake 9.2. Also I hated it when I could not install mysql
>  because kdevelop depended upon it.
>  Since then I am a happy slackware user. Lately I am using archlinux for 
> having
>  a very good x86_64 support and rolling upgrades. (In which case, upgrade has
>  to work, otherwise the installation is no good and one has to go back a long
>  way where CD install was done).

I think you were the first on PLUG to advocate Mand????? and looks
like leader has gone far ahead of army of soldiers...

Good to hear about slackware and archLinux since that gives a chance
to take a look at what else good is happening that Bladerunners
{people on the edge} are using...

"people on the edge are more balanced"
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