On Thursday 14 September 2006 10:44, Arindam wrote:
> find / -name "ufs.ko"
> find / -name "ufs*.ko"
> find / -name "u*fs*.ko"

rpm -ql `rpm -qa|grep kernel`|grep ufs would have sufficed.. ;)

Complain to your distributor and/or build your own kernel from the srpms.

Building is a better option.

I find this on my slackware-current machine
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ grep
ufs /var/adm/packages/kernel-modules-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ grep -i ufs /boot/config*

Damn why can't 2.6* write to ufs filesystem.. Hmm.. need to find out..

I guess the whole ufs/u2fs support is experimental. And the read-write
thing does not work for u2fs. For ufs it does ... but goes wrong
oftentimes. Don't try it yet.




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