I currently use Linux kernel 2.6.5 and 2.6.9 on two different boxes.
Both are distro kernels (FC2 and RHEL4.3) and neither seems to have
support for ufs / ufs2. I want to mount my FreeBSD partitions on Linux
and this is not being possible.

Strangely, the manpage for mount on both - in fact all FC, RHEL and
SuSE systems that I work with, don't seem to mention that there is no
UFS support. Moreover they even specify that a command of the form:

mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd <bsd_partition_device> <mount_point>

should be able to do the mount. There seems to be a disconnect
somewhere ... or am I missing something. In any case, is there a
loadable ufs / ufs2 module for 2.6 kernel that anyone has used?


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  • [PLUG] ufs suppor... Arindam

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