> > should be able to do the mount. There seems to be a disconnect
> > somewhere ... or am I missing something. In any case, is there a
> > loadable ufs / ufs2 module for 2.6 kernel that anyone has used?
> Of course there is a ufs.ko which you can modprobe. And I have successfully
> mounted my netbsd root as read only using that. The syntax etc. is bit weird
> and I don't remember it offhand but it is possible..
find / -name "ufs.ko"
find / -name "ufs*.ko"
find / -name "u*fs*.ko"
did not fetch any files for me.
In fact on which distro did you manage this? I get conflicting ideas
from the net. This one (http://ufs-linux.sourceforge.net/) seemed
promising but it seems a little dated. May be the ufs-linux page
latest has shifted somewhere else.
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