A G wrote:
--- Gurudatta Raut
I mean open any IT appointments and U get an
of either ASP.Net or JAVA. Should I consider all
development as Linux requirments ? any JAVA people
here ?
Isnt PHP the best platform for AJAX development ? Or
will it take a while for AJAX to sweep out JAVA and
ASP.net ?
Dont they use Apache ?
Perhaps you need to talk to the companies!
All these (ajax etc etc) are quite new with respect to
And php is web based, if I am not mistaken. My company
uses cpp and java (the thick things) quite heavily. I
dont know how php will help me in my case.
As for asp.net... there's still lots of fud related to
GPL. So better to programme in windows than linux.
For eg *my* understanding is that if I develope a
programme using gpled library, then I *need* to make
my work open source. Hence LGPL has come into
People can correct me if I am wrong.
You are correct. However, I have to add that most libraries available
under linux including the glibc are either LGPLed or are released under
a more accommodating OSS license.
If a company pours say 50 lakhs in some development
only to know that they need to open source their work,
then God help them! If I am the MD/CIO of any company,
I will stick to windows/opensolaris etc OSs. At least
my work belongs to me and only ME! Cos the cost of
complete workable windows system is say Rs 20,000 for
PC + Rs 3000 for XP. So what I see? OS is 1/7th the
cost. But I have peace of mind + I save money not
doing 'rnd' or having lawyers by my side. which is far
lesser than 20,000 (PC) + 0 (linux) + legal headaches.
This part I do not understand. I am guessing that what you intend to say
is, you would prefer developing a proprietary application on a costly
platform than on cheap linux based platform, sorely because you do not
want to understand the terms and conditions of the GPL/LGPL ? (...which
btw was written by hackers and not lawyers and is one of the licenses
with the least amount of legalese )
According to me the linux kernel + the DE should be
gpled. But for any people/companies who built
programmes on TOP of the basic OS (consisting of
kernel + GUI + Networking etc etc) should be allowed
to use these combo as if they (kernel + GUI) were
lgpled. (Are my assumptions correct?)
This again I do not understand,
a) The kernel does not come into the picture if you are developing user
space applications, since you don't link against the kernel. So, the
license of the kernel does not really matter.
b) Even if you are developing a module for the kernel, you need not
license your module under the GPL as long as you can develop the module
independent of the kernel code (you are allowed to link against LGPL'ed
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