there's still lots of fud with
respect to gpl and linux,
eg according to *me* is i develope a software based on
gpled libraries, then even my work becomes gpled.
See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
GPL doesnt say that. You can very well compile proprietary code using
GCC or run proprietary code on top of Linux. As long as you dont
redistribute the code you can even link to GPL'ed code. GPL as with any
copyright license (unlike a contract) is only in effect when you are
redistributing to a third party derivations of software licensed under
the GPL where the original code is not copyrighted by you. When you want
to modify and distribute software that is itself under the GPL license
to a third party you have to bundle the source code along with your
modifications or provide a written offer to provide the source code
where you can only charge the cost of the medium and physical transfer.
As a end user anyone is free to use GPL license software for any
purposes they want.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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