
Anyone in Pune getting slow (or no) connections with your BSNL DataOne
broadband in the last few days?

My link went down (no packets much beyond the gateway) on Friday
morning and was slow in the evening (seems fine today). I see online
that people in Chennai and Calcutta also are facing (or had faced)

atulchitnis.net has a post about it, mentioning that BSNL posted a
newspaper item saying something like "cut in deep sea optic cable" but
their call center people were telling lies about it so the "cut" story
may be false too.

I'm also thinking (hoping) of conspiracey theories that BSNL is
upgrading their infrastructure/bandwidth so that they can offer
unlimited (or higher limit) downloads after June...

If this was really a undersea cable cut then I'm now even more
impressed with BSNL.... even though I'm also scared that a single cut
causes people in Chennai, Bangalore and Calcutta to lose their
links... that's why I emailed this to see if anyone in Pune had

"Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at it's end madness and chaos lie."

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