On 4/9/05, Kapil D. Pendse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > http://www.iitk.ac.in/LDP/
> Is this mirror in sync with tldp.org? I checked tldp.org's mirror site. There

Yes, you can tell me something. (An ode to the "Yes, you can help me"
PLUG email I see sitting in my Inbox)

I thought that (still under the impression) the whole network routing
setup was totally screwed up in India. If I'm not mistaken, if I
traceroute www.iitk.ac.in the packets go from my place, jump straight
to the US (or Singapore) then hop back into India and IITk?

But looking at the traceroute (BSNL DataOne in Bangalore) I ran just
now it seems to be going upto VSNL's backbone in Delhi then it stops,
doesnt show the IITk hop, so it must be OK? (total nub/n00b talking

"Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at it's end madness and chaos lie."

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