On Sunday 10 Apr 2005 3:18 am, Vishal Rao wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone in Pune getting slow (or no) connections with your BSNL
> DataOne broadband in the last few days?

Yes, I faced lots of problems during last three/four days.  In fact, I 
resorted to my old VSNL dial-up connection day before yesterday just to 
access anything.  Nothing was coming through.  However, it seems to 
have been restored since yesterday.  Not faced any problem.

One prblem though:  Around 5 in the evening, the connection becomes to 
slow, almost as if it stops for something like half an hour.  Anybody 
had similar experience?  Come to think of it, the problem is not new, 
it has been there for last month or so.

Vikas Garud, Pune.
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