On Thu, 2015-06-18 at 21:29 +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:
> On 06/18/2015 03:43 PM, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> > 2015-06-18 13:26 GMT+02:00 umläute <zmoel...@umlaeute.mur.at>:
> > > isn't that what #788231 is all about?
> > > 
> > > anyhow, #788210 is tagged as unreproducible, so it might be worth
> > > digging somemore into the reason why it fails.
> > 
> > Ahh ... I missed answer to this bug ... so it mean it will not be
> > fixed by g++ maintainers :(
> > and make things even bit more mysterious.
> Wow.
> While I admire debian's endeavor to be a universal system but really, I
> bet the number of MIPS machine that can
>   (A) do the DSP in realtime
> and
>   (B) display an openGL plugin GUI
> equals to zero; and that does not even factor in
>   (C) people who use mips-cpus for digital audio processing and
> visualization ... and use vanilla debian to do so.

You could try a CI20 :) I don't know how realtime it would be though.

> still a interesting if only for getting to the bottom of this g++ bug or
> concurrent compile issue.
> Many thanks Mira et al, for pursuing this issue to get those plugins
> into debian/testing.

It's not a concurrent compile issue - the failed build was non

I've run the build on a few of mipsel machines and it built fine every
time so I don't think it's a bug in gcc.

Also mips64el built it fine (uses almost the same gcc backend as
mipsel). Build log:

debian-3a-1 (machine for the mips64el build) is also a loongson machine
like mipsel-aql-01 so it probably isn't a hardware issue.

The assembler errors sound like whatever data was fed into the
assembler actually was garbage. I can't really think of anything other
than it just being a random buildd glitch :/


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