

Is that really all you can see? If you trace back this thread, it began with a 
post (less than 24 hours ago) by Richard Kenneth Eng, drawing attention to a 
blog post by Lorenzo, whose title is also the subject of the thread: 

Everything since then has been talking about that or about finding a link to an 
earlier post by Lorenzo.


I found the post interesting; my reaction is to wish there were more details. 
It is not Pharo, but is a Smalltalk application. I see no reason why you and 
Serge should say this is not suitable for this group; there are many posts here 
about non-Pharo Smalltalk activities.


Peter Kenny



From: Pharo-users <> On Behalf Of Norbert 
Sent: 05 February 2020 11:23
To: Pharo users users <>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk



Am 05.02.2020 um 10:53 schrieb Lorenzo < <>>:


I am sorry; I was not awer of this kind of problem.

Do you think that an application in Smalltalk is not interesting for Pharo 
users even if it has been developped in Pharo?


which application? I just read about things you've lost and wordpress problems 
regarding a blog.





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Int. Research Unit

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