It will be a pleasure for me.




Da: Pharo-users [] Per conto di 
Cédrick Béler
Inviato: mercoledì 5 febbraio 2020 16:15
A: Any question about pharo is welcome <>
Oggetto: Re: [Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk


Hi Lorenzo, 


Thanks for the explanation. 

Le 5 févr. 2020 à 16:06, Lorenzo < <> > a 
écrit :


Hi Cedrick,


this version is an evolution of an application that I presented maybe at 3° or 
4° ESUG held and promoted in Università Cattolica di Brescia, were I was 
professor of O.R.

After that, I implemented 3 or 4 new versions using some algorithms I created.

I have been very lucky becouse I found a real application in foot-ball major 
league in Italy and I undersood the importance this field.


Cool, indeed :)


Than, I added genetic algorithm to my implementation in order to optimize the 
application and (as I had experince in stock exchange field) I developed  the 
application I have sent to Richard.

If you are interested to the application, I should be pleased to share my 
experience with everyone could be interested, but only if we can SHARE our 
experiences and, possibly to create commercial application to be sold.


I’m more inclined in open-source projects, but this being said nothing prevents 
commercial application.


Anyway, if you want to work in this field, I will be happy to share my 
experience with you




I’m an assistant professor, not really working in this field (it’s « only » a 
tool for me to model information with its inherent (epistemic) uncertainty). 


I’ll contact you offlist to discuss more on the subject, especially on the way 
you model you fuzzy subsets.







Da: Pharo-users [ <>] Per conto di Cédrick Béler
Inviato: mercoledì 5 febbraio 2020 14:32
A: Any question about pharo is welcome < <>>
Oggetto: Re: [Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk


On 5 Feb 2020, at 13:28, Lorenzo < <>> 

Anyway, if I can say my opinion, the observation ridicolous.

Even though the article is interesting, there is no mention of the word 'Pharo' 
anywhere in the article, nor in any of the 3 slide presentations. Nor is there 
any Pharo or even Smalltalk code to be seen.



It is interesting indeed and I also agree that at least, if we had some code to 
see, that would be ok to me, because people can decide to port eventually.


I’m interested in all tool that manage uncertainty. Instead of Fuzzy Logic, I 
chose The Transferable Belief Model [1] 10y ago, (a derivative of Dempster 
Shafer Theory). 

But this is probably different in essence, also it seems that it goes further 
that fuzzy logic since I see some genetic algorithms mentions. 


I’d be interested though to look and try your system (and eventually port it to 
pharo if the licence is MIT).  The term fuzzy world sounds nice to me.

It is very well possible that you have an application in Pharo, if so, I and 
everybody on this list would be *very* interesting is learning more about it.


Sure, also the thread was not easy to get. Do not take it personally, but 
mailing-list have to be friendly moderated ;-)


Is your code open source ?








[1]  <> 



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