Sorry, to what are you referring?

Lorenzo wrote
> Hi Rich,
> thank you very much for your excellent work!
> Do you have a reference to my previous paper?
> Grazie.
> Ciao
> Da: Pharo-users [mailto:

> pharo-users-bounces@.pharo

> ] Per conto di Richard Kenneth Eng
> Inviato: martedì 4 febbraio 2020 13:51
> A: 

> pharo-users@.pharo

> Oggetto: [Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk
> From Lorenzo Schiavina:
> There's a minor issue with WordPress: embedded slideshows steal the
> keyboard focus so that you can't use PageUp and PageDown keys to navigate
> the webpage. I've reported it to WordPress and they're working on it.
> I'm still looking for more blog post submissions. Let's keep this blog
> alive!

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